
Monday, August 15, 2016

Menu Plan Monday: August 15- August 21

I have a confession to make, I really did not follow my menu plan last week. I did not handle all the extra to-dos I knew were coming all that well so we did not eat the healthiest foods last week. Man Oh Man! Let me tell you, all of us have had not so happy tummies so it is important we get back on track this week. I am admitting this because we have things that I planned on making last week that will be here on this menu since it was never actually made last week or a variation of something I was going to make last week. My poor husband has been waiting a long time for that meatloaf he's been requesting. We have another 4 day week of football practice, school starts, soccer should be starting and it will be my first full week at work. This is linked to the Menu Plan Monday linkup. Here is our menu plan for the week:

Monday: The Assumption
Steak and Assumpta Salad

Tuesday: First Day of School
Meatloaf with Mashed Potatoes and Salad

Ground Turkey Stir Fry

Leftover Dinner Buffet

Spinach and Mushroom Spaghetti Squash Alfredo

Saturday: Saint Bernard of Clairvaux
Crockpot Dijion Chicken with Rice and Vegetables

Chicken Noodle Soup

I am a huge fan of Catholic Cuisine and the amazing recipes that are shared on this blog. If you are looking for some great Liturgical feast recipes they can be found there. Check out these recipes suggested for the Feast of the Assumption, it is where I found the Assumpta Salad recipe and the suggestion for Dijion Chicken in honor of Saint Bernard! I used my own recipe so I could utilize my crockpot but this website gave me the idea. I didn't include any recipes yet, I will be sharing them throughout the week so please come back and check out my latest posts!

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