
Sunday, August 14, 2016

My Sunday Best: I Want to be the Boss!

Today is the Twentieth Sunday of Ordinary time and we started our day bright and early! Little Man was Altar Serving at the 8am mass and it was a bit of a struggle to get going this morning. We normally attend the 10:30am mass so as you could imagine everyone was a little grumpy. My poor husband had to close at his job last night and did not get home until after 3am so I didn't wake him for church this morning but I am sure he heard all of us rummaging through the house.

My boys were looking so handsome this morning! They got fresh new hair styles yesterday and they are rocking them! My Little Man is growing up way to fast... while we were school shopping and getting ready for Back-to-School he requested I buy him some deodorant, a comb and gel for his hair. I thought I was going to burst into tears.. how can my Little Man be growing so fast?! Well as you can imagine he fixed his hair with gel this morning and has that fresh scent of a young man's deodorant. Goalie requested some gel for his hair too. He wants to be just like his big brother!

I was very proud of the boys behavior today. Little Man was more confident in his Altar Serving Duties and dressed up nicely. Goalie wore a similar outfit but decided to wear his ninja turtle belt and a tie (not pictured above) and sat relatively quiet too. Today was a win!

To make things even better Goalie expressed a desire to be a priest today. It made me giggle because I asked him what makes him feel that way and he said, "I want to be the Boss!" Apparently he thinks the priest is the "Boss" of the congregation and tells his brother what to do while Altar Serving. When I explained that the priest is not a "boss" that does not tell people what to do but is a person God has given a special job to help guide people in their faith and teach them what is right. I also explained that Little Man is not "bossed" around by the priest but he is the priest's helper. Goalie said, "that sounds too hard, I'll just do what brother does and help." Oh Goalie how you keep me on my toes! So who knows if Goalie will be a priest but apparently God is speaking to him.

Included in the bulletin there was this great insert about the Keys to Keeping Kid's Catholic. I thought I would add it here because it has some great suggestions.

Now that I am home and still attempting to wake up. I am going to enjoy another cup of coffee and relax before I have to go to work tonight. Since it is the last Sunday before school begins I have included a prayer to say to begin a school year. I hope that everyone enjoys this beautiful Sunday and ready to celebrate the Feast of the Assumption tomorrow. 

Prayer to Begin a School Year:

God of wisdom and might,
we praise you for the wonder of our being,
for mind, body and spirit.
Be with our children as they begin
a new school year.
Bless them and their teachers and staff.
Give the strength and grace as their bodies grow;
wisdom and knowledge to their minds
as they search for understanding;
and peace and zeal to their hearts.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.



  1. Thanks for sharing the list and the prayer. This is just the kind of thing that weighs heavily on my heart, especially as I get ready to send them to school again. How do I raise them with strong faith? By the looks of your two sweet sons, you're doing a great job.

    1. Thank you! I am sure you are doing an amazing job as well. I often wonder if I do enough too, I think that's something all parents struggle with. Thank you for stopping by and leaving such a sweet comment. God Bless!

  2. Your boys are so handsome! And I love your dress. That's so great that they had that insert in the bulletin. God bless!

    1. Thank you! They are loving their new haircuts! I bought my dress at Kohls on sale. Thank you for the compliments and I love when the church hands out neat inserts.

  3. lovely prayer and thoughts! And I love the pattern of your dress. Very pretty.

    1. Thank you! I bought the dress at Kohls right before the Kentucky Derby! They have great sales!

  4. Who DOESN'T want to be the boss? :)

    You and the boys look so nice!

    1. I know, right?! My son cracks me up. I hope he never loses that wittiness. Thank you! Sundays are the only day we dress nice. The rest of the time its workout/ play clothes.

  5. Thanks for sharing! The article from your bulletin is very helpful. I saved it. I wish I had this kind of guidance when I was a kid.

    1. Your'e Welcome :) There really are so many neat things available now that weren't when I was a kid too. Thank you for stopping by and commenting!

  6. You all look so lovely! I love it when my boys decide they want to match :)

    1. Thank you! I love it when they match too. My youngest still likes to match, my oldest sometimes gets upset but its so cute!
