
Friday, August 26, 2016

Seven Spiritual Songs to Shine Light in the Darkness

This past week has really been a roller coaster. So many high highs and some very low lows. I am in
a group of bloggers called the Zelie Group. We started our first link up yesterday called Just Enough Info. That was one of my high highs for the week. That and my Little Man receiving his fall football jersey.

One of the low lows is learning that my youngest son, Goalie, is struggling with kindergarten. He is having good days and bad days but he will need addition testing (including autism testing) according to his behavioral therapist. He is struggling because of his special needs he is really having a hard time with children making fun of him. I can't begin to describe the heartache I feel for him. He is such a sweet, kind hearted child and to see him suffer by the hands of other children is so almost too much for me.

I really wanted to end this week on a high note, so instead of dwelling on the things that are to come and the things that I cannot to control, I have compiled a list of seven songs that are inspirational and bring me joy. It is ok to have a bad day or even a bad week, but we a mother's need to dust ourselves off when we are down because we are the light to our children and spouse. No matter what happens, we will get through this because this is where God has called me and my family to be. If you need me, I will be listening to these amazing songs and lifting my spirits because the battle is not over.

I am linking this to Seven Quick Takes, Talk it Up Thursday and Think Tank Thursday.

Better Than A Hallelujah
Amy Grant is such an inspiring singer. I love this song but I have to warn you it is quite touching. There are days when I listen to this song and the tears will start. Not the kind of tears that hurt your heart but the kind that warms your soul.

There are several reasons that I love this enchanting song. My grandmother on my dad's side had a great love of Mary and this song. It is sometimes associated with Christmas time but I believe this song is appropriate any time throughout the year.

Just the name of this song portrays it's importance. I can not list the number of times I have added this song to my day and my heart is filled with hope and love. I actually have this song added to my Devotional I do while running. I'll share more about that later.

When I was in high school I was apart of a Youth Ministry group and we did a yearly retreat called "Antioch". There were leaders picked from within our group and we were selected for "talks" and chose a song that represented our personal story that we gave throughout our weekend retreat. This song was chosen every year by a member of the Antioch team and it brings me back to a time when my faith was so strong and unwavering.

Wait for Me
The first time I heard this song, I was explained that Rebecca St. James wrote it asking her future husband to wait for her. Listening to the lyrics I can understand what she meant but there feels like a deeper meaning for more. I can't really put what I mean into words but this song stirs something inside me that brings peace.

The truth my life. Our Lord is my all in all. He is my family's all in all. In times like these we lean on him more and often times he will carry us because we are sometimes to weak.

Breathe, just breathe. I tell myself this a lot. This is another Rebecca St. James' song and it has always been one that I listen to in times of great anxiety. The lyrics are moving and accurately describe my need for God. "I am desperate for you" 

I hope that these songs inspire you and bring some calming relief or uplift your heart and spirits the way they do for me.

God Bless!


  1. Such beautiful songs! I love the songs Breathe and Wait for Me. When I was single I treasured that song and even wrote letters to my husband to be all because of that song.

    1. Thank you. I really enjoy all these songs. They touch me spiritually and I'm sure my boys know the words to all these too :)

  2. I love that song Breathe! I think that's the start of the remedy for a lot of our stresses. Breathe physically... and especially spiritually. We need to be in the regularly habit of breathing in the truths of the Word of God to help steady us in difficult times. Thanks for this list!

    1. Very true! Thank you so much for commenting!

  3. Breathe is on all Praise & Worship for adoration sets! We do it every Catholic Underground around here.

    1. That has been an all time favorite for me. It's amazing the power of worship and song combined can have on the soul.

  4. I did some quick checking. Do you have a special saint you're tapping for his needs? If you don't, here's what I found:

    St. George (ADHD is like a dragon...)
    Mary, Queen of Peace
    St. Joseph of Cupertino (he had difficulties concentrating)
    St. John Bosco (worked with struggling boys)
    St. Anthony of Padua (patron of forgetting and forgetfulness)

    Maybe you could make it part of your morning routine that you bless the boys with holy water and say a quick litany to these special saints?

    Prayers for you and your little guy.

    1. I'll have to add these saints to his prayer list. We normally pray to Saint Dymphnia (I think i spelled that correctly) I had a priest tell me that she was the patron of mental problems and other ailments. I don't consider his disabilities a mental illness but we still ask for her intercession. Goalie loves holy water! We use to do a daily blessing but in our move our water fonts were broken and I still haven't replaced them! I really need to get it done. Thank you so much for your prayers. They mean more than you know.
