
Friday, August 19, 2016

{SQT}: Date Your Mate & Loving Family

Life is really never predictable and mine is no different. We have had so many different things going on this week, I don't even know where to begin! Here are my Seven Quick Takes I am sharing at This Ain't The Lyceum for this week.

We have two new additions to the family! Shadow and Cloudy are two cats we adopted earlier in the week. We did not plan on adopting these cats but we saw them at a pet shop and we couldn't resist. I am proud to say neither of these cats are kittens. They are 6 and 10 years old. We learned from the pet shop owner that because of their age and the fact that they were taken into the shelter due to a hoarding situation that they assumed the cats would never be adopted. They have a strong bond so they had to be adopted together, which caused additional placement issues. These two fur babies are the most loving creatures we have ever come across. They are always purring and following everyone around and are always ready to sit in your lap. Lemon, our first kitten is about 2 and is still transitioning but I know they will all love each other soon enough. 

Welcome to the family, Shadow and Cloudy!

This past Tuesday was the first day of school! Little Man started 4th grade and Goalie started Kindergarten. We love the boys teachers and they are enjoying the routine that the school year brings. Both boys have friends from their classes last year and because they are at the same school this year, they are both excited to walk together. We also have a sweet little bot that lives in the complex and he joins us on our walks everyday. 

The only hiccup we are experiencing from the start of the school year is Goalie being super tired in the afternoon. He was taking naps all the way up to the start of the school year and not having one during the day while at school is really been difficult on my sweet boy. I am hoping we can find a way to calm the sensory breaks we are having in the afternoon due to his afternoon exhaustion. Goalie gets home from school in great spirits and then as the afternoon progresses I start to see a steady decline in his attitude, patience and irritability until he breaks. My poor baby will cry and be miserable until bedtime. Prayers for my Goalie while we figure out a healthy solution to keep him happy and focused throughout the day.

This week was the first week of the Date Your Mate Challenge! My hubby and I thought this challenge would be fun and put a focus on us growing our marriage stronger. For our first date this week we had a sushi date! It was nice because it was the first time we have had some quiet time to have adult conversations. We want to set an example for our children about what a happy and healthy relationship looks like and the only way to make that possible is to make sure it is strong in faith and love. This date was an amazing break from our daily routine and was so much fun. We have two more dates, a nature date and an adrenaline date, we are suppose to accomplish plus some additional challenges, writing a love letter to our spouse,  for the week. I'll keep everyone updated with all of our fun activities! 

As much as I love football season, I am so glad we won't be having practices 4 times a week anymore this season. I am so exhausted from running around. I have been waking up early to help the boys get ready for school, working out, going to work, picking up the kids from school and heading straight over to the football field for two hour long practices. After practice, we rush to get everyone fed dinner and ready for bed. Then I do all the really fun stuff like completing the laundry and dishes. This week has been brutal. At least today there is no practice so I will probably have a movie night with the boys to relax and celebrate the end of a very busy and productive week. Next week we have practices 3 days a week and it's not 3 days in a row! YAY!!

I still haven't heard any news about soccer and Goalie is getting super anxious so I will try to make a call down to the sports office to figure out what is going on and whether we can expect to have a season or not. If there will be no season, I might sign Goalie up for some karate again. 

I decided that since I am doing all this extra walking from taking the boys to and from school, working as a server and after school extracurricular activities that I needed to up the amount of steps I would attempt to reach each day. My goal was 10,000 steps during the summer and now my goal is 20,000. It's only been a couple days but I am feeling the burn! I am still searching for a new fitness challenge so if you have a suggestion, I would love to hear it! Maybe you would be interested in joining me? We could create an accountability group on Facebook. 

I am starting to stock up on all the yummy fall goodies that are being released. Pumpkin spice coffee and pumpkin spiced chai tea are the first of many delicious concoctions I will be sampling throughout autumn. I couldn't wait to enjoy the delicious coffee my husband got me so I am enjoying my second cup this morning. It's so delicious! I might enjoy a nice cup of tea after work for an afternoon pick me up out on the patio before the boys get home from school.

What other beverages do you drink during this season of spiced beverages? 

Last but not least, I completed our Autumn Bucket List. I always find moe things to add to our list throughout the season but we have a very long and exciting list of activities and adventures I can't wait to explore. Today I woke up and it is a crisp 60 degrees F and the high isn't suppose to go higher than 73 degrees! Its suppose to be even cooler tomorrow, however it is suppose to be warming up after this weekend so I will enjoy my little taste of Fall while I can.

What are traditions you do throughout the Autumn season? Are there any things that you think I should add to my families list?

I am excited for the weekend and I hope every one else had an amazing week with their families. Just a short work shift stands between me and my Saturday off to celebrate Saint Bernard of Clairvaux. 


  1. Date Your Mate sounds like so much fun!! I saw your sushi picture on Instagram on my way home from ballet and, it could have been the hours of dancing talking, but nothing has ever looked so good!

    I am ready for Fall too! The bucket list idea is great. I'm good at making them for summer, but the other seasons could probably use some goals and anticipation too.

    1. We just started and it has been fun so far. My husband is even enjoying it :) The sushi was really good. We haven't had any in a very long time. My boys and I love lists so bucket lists are a favorite around here! You'll have to share what you come up with for your autumn bucket list!
