
Thursday, August 18, 2016

Colorado Autumn Bucket List

Autumn is my favorite time of the year. I am a lover of craft beers, holiday wine and seasonal coffee. This season brings the best of all my favorites together and combines with the amazing cool crisp air. This will be my first fall in the mountains and I can't begin to describe how excited I am! Here is a great list of fun activities that I have decided really need to happen during this Fall!

As I mentioned in our Summer Time Bucket List, we purchased a membership to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. This special event is just one of many events we are excited to experience thanks to the perks of this membership. It's not free but we save $5 per ticket!

I could not begin to describe this event if I tried! This is the info from
Emma Crawford was a young woman who came to Manitou Springs in the late 1800’s seeking to be healed of tuberculosis by taking the “cure” from Manitou’s healing mineral springs. Emma passed away in 1890. Before passing Emma asked her fiancĂ© to bury her on top of Red Mountain. Her wish was honored, and her remains rested peacefully until 1912. At that time, the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company decided to build an incline to the mountain top, forcing her coffin to be moved. She was reburied on the south slope of the mountain. After several years of rain and harsh weather conditions, Emma’s remains slid down the mountain into the canyon below, where two young boys found her name plate and the silver handles from her casket.

Manitou Springs, in honor of Emma Crawford, celebrates the fun and crazy event of the Emma Crawford Coffin Races annually as a part of our history to be shared with all.

What could be more fun to watch than over 50 hot air balloons during a mass ascension?! This will be happening Labor Day weekend. We've never been up close and personal to a hot air balloon so obviously we are all ready and excited for the experience. Check out our experience!

As I mentioned earlier, I am a lover of crafts beers! Especially pumpkin and spiced varieties and you can never go wrong with a cider. This festival embraces yummy beer and food!  

It is a MUST that you visit a pumpkin patch during the fall. This particular farm offers all sorts of fall activities and goodies for the entire family. Corn Maze, Hayrides, scarecrows and pumpkins! I can't wait.

In Old Colorado City, it is a tradition for the businesses to construct a scarecrow and place it outside their buildings for this seasonal contest. People take pictures of themselves with their favorite scarecrow and the scarecrow with the most picture votes wins!

This farm is known for its amazing corn mazes. My husband wants to visit this for another reason though. He wants to participate in one or both of the scary activities hosted here annually. There is Zombie Paintball and Terror in the Corn. I'm not sure if I will fully participate in these but they also have a Fall Festival for families.

We moved from a small town in Florida and I had no idea these lantern festivals existed! When I think of floating lanterns, I imagine the Disney movie, Tangled. I can't begin to describe how excited I am to see this real life fairy tale scene come to life.

Giant Pumpkin Festival:
There are several different locations that are offering Pumpkin Weigh Offs near us. I'm not sure of which location or date we will be attending but I feel that this type of festival is a MUST! 

Apple Picking at Ya Ya Apple Farm and Orchard:
I have visited many farms but I have never been to an apple orchard before. I imagine that this will be something I will remember always and of course we will make some candy apples from these delicious treats and some pie or cobbler!

Candy Apples:
When I decided that we would go to an apple orchard for the first time, I thought about what we would do with our wonderful apples. Candy Apples are so yummy and I figured we could set up a mini candy apply decoration station with different sauces and candies to decorate with.

Starbucks Coffee Date:
Have you heard of the Date Your Mate Challenge? Well I just joined the Challenge with my husband and we decided that this would be a great Date night idea for us to sit around and just talk while we enjoy an amazing cup of season coffee. 

Watch Hocus Pocus and other Halloween movies:
I love Hocus Pocus, Charlie Brown: The Great Pumpkin and Curious George: Fall Festival and many other Halloween classics. We will have to set up a couple movie nights or a movie marathon! Check out the Seven Best Animated Halloween Movies for Your Family!

Carve Pumpkins:
Carving pumpkin while reading the story of the Jack O' Lantern is probably my most favorite activity. Getting to carve out Saint O' Lanterns or other fun things to display for Halloween

Apple Cider and Other Fall Beverages:
Pumpkin Spice Chai Tea, Pumpkin Spice Coffee and Apple Ciders are delicious fall beverages that I miss so much during the spring and summer months. I'm going to have to make a list of all the delicious drinks I try out this autumn season. 

Halloween Costumes:
This year my husband and I decided we want to do a couples themed costume like Beauty and the Beast or something similar. I wish I could convince the boys to do a family themed costume but they just don't seem interested... sigh. 

Trick or Treat:
This is my kid's most favorite thing to do in Autumn. Honestly, what kid wouldn't love running around dressed up while receiving insane amounts of candy? 

This is just the beginning of an amazing Autumn season! We are full swing in school, football and soccer and now I am waiting for the weather to follow suit. What are your plans to enjoy the amazing season of autumn? Please share your ideas and traditions. I am always looking to add fun activities onto our lists! I am sharing this with Talk it up Thursday  Let's Get Real and Think Tank Thursday. A special thanks to Moms are Frugal Blog for featuring my last post Back to School Essentials for the ADHD Student!


  1. Thanks so much for sharing with the Let's Get Real Party.
