
Friday, August 12, 2016

{SQT}: Fall Sports & Back-to-School Edition

It has been a crazy week as predicted and things will only get crazier as we move into the school year. Trust me when I say, I will have tons of picture and videos to share so follow me on Instagram and Facebook if you want more frequent updates or just a laugh or two from social media. For the SQT linkup at This Ain't the Lyceum here are my seven quick takes for this week:

Back-to-work for me! I had to take some time off from working a couple months ago due to some problems with my back but I am feeling better and taking it easy as I transition back into the work force. Until I am 100% sure my back is better I will only be working part-time but it is a start. It's also a relief to be getting more adult time. With the start of school next week, I won't have to be at home alone.

Fall Football 2016 is underway for Little Man and the family! I am sorry to admit that I am one of those crazy football mommies that loves to get loud during football season. I have always been a competitive person and I am vocal. I am glad that I have instilled the desire to work hard and reach for the stars into my children and they love sports so that is where it really shows. This equation of love, sports, hard work and desire is the equation for a crazy football mom. My husband quite enjoys watching me wear eye blackout and my homemade team shirt while I am jumping up and down as our team plays. I still have to make my shirt for this season. Don't worry, I'll make sure to post plenty of embarrassing pictures of myself and my family as the season progresses.

We also just completed our first 4 day week of practice and learned that Little Man will be the back-up quarterback and will be learning some new positions this season. I have to admit that I am so proud that Little Man is stepping up to the challenge and grasping this opportunity with both hands. He has been practicing so hard this week and when we are at home he has really been focused on increasing his protein intake, to gain mass and weight. He has a lot of experience but very tall and skinny. He weighs only 65 lbs right now (He's dropped 3 lbs since last season) and he is playing with boys that have upwards of 20 lbs more weight on them. He is continuously asking to practice outside by himself, with his brother and his friends. If you don't mind, please say a little prayer for Little Man to keep him healthy and uninjured throughout this season.

Soccer season is on hold for Goalie. I was contacted just yesterday that the Sports and Recreation Center is having a hard time finding coaches to fill the need in the soccer leagues. They were calling to ask parents individually to coach teams. I felt so bad that I was unable to assist them and volunteer. I'll be honest, I have NO EXPERIENCE with soccer except what I've learned watching the boys and those rules are modified each season depending on the league and age group. In addition to my lack of knowledge, having one child playing football and the other soccer at the same time makes it just a little too much for me to juggle. I will already be running back and forth between practices and it wouldn't be fair to the kids on the soccer team. I am saying an extra prayer that they find someone able to take on the responsibility of coaching this soccer team. 

We had a blast celebrating lots of Liturgical Celebrations this week! Saint Dominic, Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, Saint Lawrence and Saint Clare. I am still finishing up my post on Saint Lawrence and Saint Clare so I'll link back to those when I finish them up. Saint Dominic is Little Man's Nameday Saint and he always watches the calendar once August hits. 

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I finished my book The Blessings by Elise Juska and I so enjoyed it! In the upcoming week(s) I am hoping to finish The Happiness Project and Just Breathe: Weston Sisters Book 1 (ONLY 99 cents or FREE with Kindle Unlimited). 

I will be sharing my review of The Blessings later this week and I'll link back to this post so stay tuned. 

I have shared my love of autumn many times lately. In the spirit of my excitement for fall I decided to make some Pumpkin Pie Latte Overnight Oats! They were delicious... too much all spice but still delicious. For my first time creating these, I was impressed and I will be making more very soon! Heres the recipe if you are feeling adventurous to try it:

Pumpkin Pie Latte Overnight Oats
1/2 Cup Old Fashioned Oats
1/4 Cup Coffee (Double strength and chilled)
1/4 Cup Almond Milk
1/4 Cup Pumpkin Puree
2 Tbsp Sweetner (I used honey but I might try out brown sugar next time)
1 Tbsp Vanilla Extract
1 Tsp Cinnamon
1 Tsp Nutmeg
A pinch of All Spice (I added more than a pinch of Allspice the first time I prepared these overnight oats and it was a little too spiced for my taste so add at your discretion)

I think I might top this with some sliced almonds too!

Combine all the ingredients in a mason jar or container with a lid. Shake and place in the refrigerator at least overnight. Oats should be good for 3-4 days as long as you keep the lid or top on the container tight.

If you read my last {SQT}: The Anticipation of Autumn you read my little rant about the issue I am having getting Goalie registered for school. Since last week I have been able to get copies of Goalie's paperwork from the Preschool office (THANK YOU GOD!) and I submitted it to the School District office Tuesday. It only took 4 trips back and forth between the two offices in addition to the several previous trips discussed in the last post to get this done. I am waiting to get confirmation the forms have been accepted so I can register him at his school location this Monday. I am not happy that this process has been difficult but I am so grateful to know it's almost done.

That was my families crazy fun week. I hope everyone is enjoying their last few moments of summer or having a great time finishing back-to-school prep like us. If you are a special needs parent check out my post Back-to-School Essentials for the ADHD Student. The products discussed in the post are miracle workers and are great for children without special needs as well. Until next week.

God Bless!


  1. Too bad about the soccer. Hopefully someone is able to step up to coaching.

    1. Yeah I feel bad because my little guy is anxious about the season starting. I am hoping someone can do it too.. Last season they had a lot of cadets from the Air Force Academy help.

  2. Your kids are busy! We aren't a sporty family, but I just signed our daughter up for introductory tennis in September. Thanks so much for the recipe, too :)

    1. Oh yes! My boys are busy bodies. I have to admit, it is really hard juggling their schedules sometimes but I know they love sports and they love the interactions they get being on a team. We take breaks during the summer usually. You are welcome for the recipe! I love pumpkin everything! :) I hope you enjoy!
