
Wednesday, August 17, 2016

#WorthRevisit: I Copy Cat

With the start of a new school year, I often find myself attempting to organize a ton of stuff! This is Little Man's 4th Grade year and Goalie's Kindergarten year. I came across this really neat way to organize my children's school and liturgical work on another blog and I fell in love! For this week of #WorthRevisit with Theology is a Verb and Reconciled to You, I am sharing I Copy Cat. If you choose to try this out, I would LOVE to see what you come up with. I also suggest highly that you take a look at the original post because Sarah is truly an inspiration. I am actually revamping the portfolios I have to make sure everything inside is looking good and put into protective sheets. Hopefully after this school year I will be able to share more of my portfolio.

Friday, June 8, 2012

I Copy Cat

I am completely a copy cat!

I saw the beautiful end of school year portfolios that Sarah made from her blog Amongst Lovely Things. I thought they were so cute and a great way to get organized after our first year at school. I had to jump on the bandwagon. I don't home school but I supplement a lot of learning with my boys after school during our Liturgical Celebrations and Family Trips. I thought these portfolios would be a great way to start a scrapbook for my boys and see their progress through the year. Thank you Sarah for the amazing idea!

Here is the cover I made for Little Man.

I had never known about the Picmonkey website but now that I do... I am in love! There are so many unique ways to add personality to your pictures and you can even create Facebook covers! :o) It truly is the little things in life that make it so amazing.  I had so much fun playing around with the website I made one for Squishy (now named Goalie) too!

I think that I will do something similar for our family's New Year Resolutions. We usually display our Resolutions in the Kitchen or Dining Room so we can see how well we are doing at accomplishing each one. I think having a picture of our family and the resolutions blended into the picture would look so much more appealing to the eye. I love how much the creative world blooms in the blogger universe! Excited to see what everyone else does with this very useful and creative idea!

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