
Saturday, September 3, 2016

Autumn Hometown Hunt: Colorado Springs Labor Day Lift Off

It is the start of Labor Day weekend and there is so much to be excited about and to celebrate. Today is the Feast of Saint Gregory the Great and the start of the Labor Day Lift Off in Colorado Springs. Tomorrow will be the day of Saint Teresa of Calcutta's Canonization. The next day will be Labor Day and the actual feast day of Saint Teresa. Because the weekend is full of so many fun and exciting things we decided that we would combine and move around some of our celebrations to fit with our really packed schedules. We wanted to be able to attend and participate in everything and moving around and combing celebrations was the only way.

This post will focus on our Labor Day celebration. Yes Labor Day is Monday but we were planning on celebration Saint Gregory tomorrow and Saint Teresa of Calcutta Monday because my husband and I still work even though it is a holiday weekend. That is a sacrifice that comes with working in the hospitality industry.

To start our Labor Day Celebration we decided to attend the Colorado Spring Labor Day Lift Off. The actual balloon lift off was scheduled to begin at 7am so we decided to arrive early. We woke up at 4am on a Saturday! That is some real dedication! To help us all wake up we stopped by Dunkin' Donuts on the way to enjoy some salted pumpkin coffee, pumpkin hot chocolate and some very fresh fall flavored donuts with hash browns and breakfast sandwiches! We consider Labor Day the unofficial end to summer and the beginning of autumn.

As you can see Little Man and Goalie were in great spirits considering the early morning wake up. They really enjoyed their hot chocolate and couldn't wait to get to the festival. So just so you have some background on how excited my boys were for this event: Goalie LOVES Curious George the series and they have made several seasonal videos including a spring video where Curious George attends a hot air balloon festival in the country. Goalie was so excited I thought he would shake apart before we arrived to the park! He just knew Curious George would be riding in the hot air balloons and no one could convince him otherwise.

I think Goalie will be a photographer of some sort when he grows up. All morning he wanted to take pictures. This one was one of my favorites.

After devouring our delicious coffee, hot chocolate and breakfast we headed to Memorial Park and arrived just as the vendors were setting up around 6am. We setup our picnic blanket and sat together as we watched the sun rise. You can see it peaking over Little Man's head here in this picture. It was such a beautiful sight to watch the mountains start to become more defined as the sun rose higher into the sky. It was gorgeous. A moment I will truly treasure.

 After the sun had fully risen the fun began! The balloons slowly filled and were released into the air!

There were over 60 hot air balloons released at this festival and they were all so beautiful. It was my first time seeing a hot air balloon in person and my children's first time too. There were so many different shapes and colors. They looked so majestic as they filled the sky.

This hot air balloon was my ultimate favorite! It was the Little Old Lady that lived in a shoe. Can you see the child hanging from the shoe lace? I thought it was so creative and hysterical! 

I have spoken frequently about us recently relocating to Colorado from Florida. We had some military friends that also relocated here shortly after us and today was the first time we have seen each other since we have moved! It was so great to see some familiar faces and the boys really enjoyed getting to play with a friend they haven't seen in months. We were able to get a picture of the adults but the kids were having way too much fun to stop for pictures!

Here are a few more pictures from our time at the Labor Day Lift Off:

How do you find fun activities for you and your family to attend? If you are looking for resources, I highly suggest checking out Eventbrite! You can filter through different events by the type of event you are looking for or you can simply put in your town and state to get a great list of activities that will be in your hometown. I have utilized this website on several occasions and you are even able to create your own events to share and promote through their Event Management Page. I just found a cute, fun, and FREE event called the Great Bicycle Carnival that we may be adding to our Colorado Autumn Bucket List due to this great site.

Today was truly amazing. A great experience that the whole family will remember forever. I think this may become a family tradition. The weather was gorgeous, we saw old friends and enjoyed some memorable moments together as a family. With both my husband and I working and two very busy boys and lots of therapy appointments to run around to throughout the week, it is really difficult to find time to enjoy together. We try our hardest to take time together because that is what is the most important. We got a lot of use out of the selfie-stick today as you can see and I am so ready to go to bed. This day was so amazing and a rejuvenation to my heart and soul. Thank you Lord for blessing me with so much and this great experience. It is so easy to get lost in the world's troubles and today helped me shake off all the bad. I hope you and your families enjoy this Labor Day Weekend too!

God Bless!


  1. This looks like you had a lot of fun with your family! I think the hot air balloon picture was my favorite! Its so fun, and energetic! Hope you have good rest of your labor day weekend!

    1. Yes! We had a blast! There were so many different balloons and the weather was amazing! I hope you had a great Labor Day weekend as well!
