
Friday, September 2, 2016

{SQT}: Welcome September

September is finally here! I had to grab my first Pumpkin Spice Latte today and I am enjoying the amazing cool breeze coming off the tops of the snow capped peaks of the mountains. Yep, you heard me right! We have snow capped mountain tops all ready! I am going to keep this post super optimistic because I have been on a low lately and doing my best to "shake it off." We do have some exciting things happening in the near future but for now, let's jump into my Seven Quick Takes of the week. 


Goalie had his first soccer game! So this will sound funny but we only had one practice before this game and only three players were able to attend that practice. Goalie did a very good job and I was so proud of him and the effort he put into the game. Goalie has a hard time not crying when it's not his time to play in the game. Last season he would cry until it was time to be put back into the game. This time he just pouted but shed no tears! Progress!!


Little Man also had his first football game this week and his game was intense! I have to admit I am that crazy mom that runs up and down the field as the game progresses screaming to motivate and support my baby boy's team. In Florida all the football moms are just like me. It's another story here in Colorado and I am sure I scared a few people! Little Man's team lost their first game as well but it was a great learning experience. Little Man made several amazing tackles and hustled his little booty across that field every play. 


I am apart of a group of mommy bloggers called The Zelie Group. We are blogger mommies that are trying our best to raise our children the best way we know how, through faith. We just started a new Thursday linkup called Just Enough Info (JEI). This has been really exciting for me. I love linkups! I participate in tons but this is the first one I have helped host. If you are interested in learning more or you would like to join JEI, Checkout my JEI posts:

Do you celebrate Halloween? I have always struggled with this concept but I don't want to keep my boys from enjoying the satisfaction of dressing up during October. I have allowed the boys to participate in trick-or-treating and make sure to explain the REAL importance of All Saints and All Souls. I would be very interested to hear how other people tackle this holiday. This is a picture of the two costumes the boys are asking for this year. They have both turned into some really big Star Wars fans and really want us to do a family themed Halloween. I guess time will tell.


I have been moving around the house this past week. We were planning on moving further north in Colorado but decided it would be best to stay where we are. Goalie needs routine and has too many different therapies to try to reschedule. Little Man is really enjoying the school and sports here. I am working part time and a move just wasn't lining up for us at this time. We are hoping to buy a house in the upcoming year so we will just keep reaching for that goal. 


I fell off the health wagon for a bit this past week. As I stated earlier, I have really been struggling with a lot and just threw everything to the side while I tried to regroup myself. I have been walking more lately and during my morning walk to drop my boys off at school we came across these beautiful sunflowers. Goalie requested to please take the sunflower's photo so this image is the result of that. I have to admit it came out really well and I think the flowers are beautiful. 


Today Goalie had behavioral therapy and we decided to try a group therapy session to help him deal with his hard to control emotions and his developmental delays. What is great about the therapy is that there will be other children that live with the same challenges learning and growing with him. I am praying so hard that this group therapy will help alleviate some stress and anxiety of being around peers that just don't quite understand Goalie or his special needs.  

Welcome September. I have been waiting for you. 
God Bless!

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