
Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Saint Matthew the Tax Collector

Saint Matthew is most popularly known as one of the twelve disciples and one of the four evangelists that wrote the Gospels. Prior to becoming a follower of Jesus, Saint Matthew was actually called Levi and was a tax collector. Tax collectors were not popular in his time due to the high taxes and the fact that collectors kept portions of the taxes for themselves. He is the patron saint of civil servants. The feast of Saint Matthew is celebrate every year on September 21st.

I think that most people don't celebrate the liturgical year at home anymore because they think they don't have time. I hope throughout this year I have shown that a simple meal, and extra prayer, a coloring page or family activity is all you need to create memories and inspire faith within your family. I completely understand feeling like you don't have enough time in the day and getting completely overwhelmed. Our family juggles both parents working, sports, school, clubs and most importantly, our religious activities. Today we had a soccer team pictures and a game along with football practice after school. 

Obviously this didn't leave me with a lot of extra time to plan any fun activities so we decided to celebrate with Silver Dollar Pancakes for dinner. Who doesn't love having breakfast for dinner? Plus it is quick and easy to prepare AND it honors Saint Matthew. My husband and boys all requested some cheesy scrambled eggs as a side item so I couldn't refuse. I know in the picture below the syrup is pictured but everyone in this house puts peanut butter on their pancakes and just a little syrup. 

In addition to our special dinner, we get the opportunity to discuss Saint Matthew during dinner and added some reading too. The boys have to read a minimum of 30 minutes every night for school so it is easy to find short stories for my oldest to read out loud. Here is a small list I made to give you some suggestions of things you could do to celebrate Saint Matthew on his special feast day:
  • Make Silver Dollar Pancakes. (we made protein pancakes)
  • Donate money or other items to the poor.
  • Read Saint Matthew's Gospel.
  • Start a journal because Saint Matthew was one of the four evangelists that wrote the gospels.
  • Color a Saint Matthew coloring page.
  • Evangelize! Wear a cute Catholic T-shirt while you run, write an article to be published, the list goes on an on...
Do you have any ideas or suggestion? How did you celebrate today? I would gladly link to your activities! 

Prayer to Saint Matthew:

O Glorious St. Matthew, in your Gospel you portray Jesus as the longed-for Messiah who fulfilled the Prophets of the Old Covenant and as the new Lawgiver who founded a Church of the New Covenant. Obtain for us the grace to see Jesus living in his Church and to follow his teachings in our lives on earth so that we may live forever with him in heaven.

Saint Matthew, pray for us!

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