
Thursday, September 22, 2016

{JEI}: Mommy Self-Care

Welcome to another week of Just Enough Info with The Zelie Group. This week we are discussing Mom Self-Care. 

 I'd love to introduce you to the other hosts of the JEI: Just Enough Info Linkup:

Jessica (myself) – Pinot Noir and Prayers | Instagram | Facebook
Alicia – Sweeping Up Joy | Pinterest | Facebook
Kirby – Under Thy Roof | Instagram | Facebook

1. What is your mom beverage of choice? 

I am an avid coffee drinker in the mornings. I am also that person that goes crazy for pumpkin spice! So as you can imagine I am so excited today is the official first day of fall and I am celebrating with a cup of Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Cafe Latte and it is so good! I have a Keurig coffee maker and I honestly don't buy the k-cups too often because they are expensive but I do like to treat myself every once in awhile. What I normally do is purchase whole coffee beans and grind them fresh to put in a re-useable k-cup and serve it with a flavored creamer. It's one of the few ways I keep from splurging on a $6-$7 cup of coffee from a coffee place but still get a tasty warm beverage full of that amazing caffeine. I can't think straight until that first dose of caffeine gets into my blood stream. What is funny is that I have pulled my husband into loving coffee too but he drinks his cold and black!! I know he's crazy!!  

Although I am a lover of coffee, Wine is my true best friend. Wine helps me celebrate the liturgical year, the end of a long day or special time with my family and friends. It's always there in the good times and bad and that's why wine is one of my favorite beverages of choice. 

Coffee keeps me going until it’s time for wine. – Unknown

2. What do you do to relax? 

Running, writing, reading, crafting, loving of my cats and drinking coffee and wine! I'll be honest we are an "ON THE GO" kinda family. We decided to live in a small apartment to save money for a house and to be able to afford family trips and activities that give our children everlasting memories. We love being busy and having things to do. I do miss having more free time like I did over the summer so i could read more and other activities of my choosing but this is my life and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Speaking of relaxing... I decided to take the morning off to have a day to get my house back in order from our trip to see my family last weekend and to prepare for the big football game tonight! It's a big one because Little Man plays on the Steelers this season but he played with the Bulldogs last season and today we are up against the Bulldogs! He is nervous and excited and we are also responsible for halftime snack! If my little tangent here didn't show you I have no clue how to "take a day off" and "relax," I don't know what will!

3. When was the last time you got away with girlfriends or alone (and the grocery store does NOT count)?

This question made me a little sad. We haven't been in Colorado for a full year yet so I don't really have an friends yet. I have TONS of acquaintances but I just have not had the pleasure of connecting one-on-one with anyone. However, I did meet a fellow mommy that lives in the same complex during a run several weeks ago and we have been talking and she has even helped with babysitting. I am hoping that we can grow into really good friends and have some alone mommy time soon! 

So as of right now, the only "girl" time I get is with my cats Lemon, Shadow and Cloudy. Yep... I am the Cat Lady!! 

Well that is my take on Just Enough Info this week. I would love to hear your thoughts! Feel free to use the beautiful picture below in your linkup post if you so desire!

Please Join us and Link Up with your answers to this week's questions about Mom Self-Care:

1. What is your mom beverage of choice? 
2. What do you do to relax? 
3. When was the last time you got away with girlfriends or alone (and the grocery store does NOT count)?

Next week we will be discussing The Angel Feasts that are celebrated on September 29th and October 2nd. Here are the questions:

1. Naming your Guardian Angel: yea or nay? 
2. Have you had any angel experiences? 
3. How have you shared about angels with your kids?

I can't wait to see how everyone answers this week because it is all about mommies and let's be honest: we are amazing! We take care of our families and don't always take care of ourselves. Use this week to take a good hard look at some of your mommy self-care needs. 

Feel free to check out the last few weeks of JEI to learn about the link up rules and other fun topics we have already discussed:


  1. I had a hunch that wine was going to be on your mommy beverage list. ;)

    Like I said before, we should make a Zelie Group virtual happy hour happen! Lock the door, pour a glass, open Hangouts, see your far away girlfriends!

    1. You guys already know me! LOL YES! we should do an online happy hour. That sounds like so much fun!

  2. Yay coffee!!! I recently got interested in making my own flavored syrups, so I made one batch of almond and I'm going to make more soon, I think-it's so exciting to have "fancy" coffee at home :) I hope that you're able to make some good friends soon! I think sometimes, it just takes sitting down with an acquaintance at a coffee shop so you can talk. I moved to Oklahoma about a year ago knowing almost no one, but I met a woman in my church and we set up a coffee date, and we got to be really good friends, which was/is awesome :)

    1. That is so neat that you make your own syrups! I love making fancy coffee at home too! It's always nice not have to get out of the pajamas to enjoy a nice cup of delicious coffee! Thank you, I hope I make some friends soon too! I am hoping to setup a get together soon. Fall is the craziest time for our schedules here!

  3. It can be so hard to find friends! Starting new relationships takes time and energy, and in the busy season of momming, those are hard to come by. Here's a prayer that God sends the right person into your life at the right time. :)

    1. Thank you! I have faith he will send who I need when the time is right. Right now making sure my boys are receiving what the need is most important so I am sure once everything is right for them things will slow down for me and create more time for adult friendships :)

  4. I do so hope you're able to make some good friends soon. I feel like I'm kinda in the same boat, but I'm also not the most outgoing. I think {very, VERY} slowly, I'm finding myself able to be open to new friendships, now, just to find/make the time to continue them...

    1. Thank you! That is the same problem I have. I am more outgoing if I already know someone so finding a new person and building the relationship is what I struggle with.
