
Friday, September 23, 2016

{SQT}: Marriage, Sports and Much More

I have been MIA from several of my favorite linkups, including {SQT}, because of an overwhelming amount of extra activities that were added to our schedule. This past week was no different but I am doing my best to get back on track with everything that has been pushed to the side. 


My cousin Serina's wedding was this past Saturday! Congrats Serina and Jesus! They have such an extraordinary love story. They have actually been together for 12 years already. They have endured so much and have supported each other through all the good, bad and the ugly. I have no doubt that they will have a long, prosperous marriage and will live happily ever after.

The wedding was in Liberal, Kansas so it was only a 6 hour drive from where we live. We have most of my dad's side of the family living in Kansas so we were able to see a large amount of them at the wedding too. It was a beautiful wedding and a gorgeous reception. Little Man was given the opportunity to altar serve during the wedding. I know he was scared and nervous because he had never served for the priest or at the location the wedding was being held but he was brave and accepted the invitation to honor his family during the Mass. I was and still am so proud of him for stepping up.


We completed our Halloween decorating this week too! My boys love to decorate the house and do seasonal crafts to celebrate. I am working on a post right now about Halloween and being Catholic. I read an article several years ago about how to keep the "scary" in Halloween without losing the important concepts that are the important aspects of All Saints and All Souls Day. Halloween is a day of fasting to prepare for All Saints and All Souls. I think it is also important to discuss purgatory on Halloween and that allows us to have a scary Halloween. 

I even received the boys costumes in the mail this week so now I only have to figure out what my husband and I will wear. This will be the first year we have done a family dress up. The boys are REALLY into Star Wars so they are dressing as a Flame Trooper and Captain Rex. My husband really wants to be Darth Vader and I have absolutely no clue what I will be. Maybe I'll just be a storm trooper too? Suggestions are welcome!


We have TWO football games this week! We normally only have one so it was a FULL week of football. I am enjoying that there is no practice today so I using this time to catch up on old, new and late blog posts! Little Man has really missed having a banner to run through the past few games so I found some banner paper and created a banner for his team. Little did I know that when I bought this paper that there would be over 75 feet of paper!!!! Needless to say, I will be making banners the rest of the season. I might even make one for Goalie's soccer team. 

Painting the banners was actually pretty calming and relaxing until I saw that my cat Lemon was drinking the water I used to clean the paint brushes! I had a mini-stroke reading the labels on the paint to make sure it was non-toxic. Lemon was mad at me for yelling at her so she ignored me the rest of the day. Oh the price we pay for loving animals. 


Goalie started Dino School this week. I think I may have mentioned once before but it is essentially a group therapy that is held to help teach children with developmental delays about socialization, dealing with tough emotions and learning how to control anger outbursts. 


Yesterday was the first official day of Fall and I am so glad! I love Autumn! We celebrated with Spiced Apple Pork Chops with Sweet potato and zucchini. Everyone loved it. The pork fell apart so easily from slow cooking all day and the amazing spices made my house smell amazing. We had a football game yesterday too so it really was the perfect way to start the beginning of Autumn. 


We had Soccer pictures this week! Goalie plays for the Memorial Blizzards and he was smiling extra hard this year! I love that my boys love playing on teams. I love his "Shark fin" hair that he requested special for picture day.


To end this week, I decided it was best to have a Halloween movie night! This will be one of many because my boys and I love movie nights and we have a list of Halloween movies that MUST be watched before October 31st! We are starting tonight with The Halloween Tree. This was one of my most favorite movies that I watched with my brother and sister every Halloween season. We will be enjoying pizza, popcorn, Halloween ice cream floats and cupcakes! I am finishing up preparations as we speak. I honestly might be more excited about this than my kids! This will be their first time watching this cartoon and it has been years since I last saw it! I love Autumn and all the amazing family activities that come with it!


  1. It seems like forever since I've done SQT, too! It's hard to find time when the activities start piling up...

    Your Halloween display looks spooky without being creepy. I'd say that's a success! :)

    1. Isn't that the truth! I have a ton of half-finished posts LOL I just decided to move forward and if I have time go back and finish them one at a time. I love decorating and my boys love it too! I don't display witches and that sort of thing but bones, pumpkins and houses seem appropriate for the season :) I love the story of the Jack O Lantern!
