
Wednesday, October 12, 2016

{JEI}: Autumn Adventures

Time to get have some fun with this week's JEI Linkup and I'd love to introduce you to the other hosts of the Just Enough Info Linkup:

Jessica (myself) – Pinot Noir and Prayers | Instagram | Facebook
Alicia – Sweeping Up Joy | Pinterest | Facebook
Kirby – Under Thy Roof | Instagram | Facebook
Kristina - CalidrabInstagram 

1. Best fall flavor: apple or pumpkin?

I am a HUGE love of all things Autumn and Fall! Pumpkin everything is my most favorite flavor! I still enjoy apple flavored beverages but if given the choice I will always chose pumpkin. I was even lucky enough to come across some Pumpkin Spiced Eggnog during a grocery shopping trip! The boys and I enjoyed it during a Halloween movie night with whipped cream and pumpkin spice sprinkled on top. DELICIOUS!

I still want to try some pumpkin steamers at some point this Autumn. I have also started a collection of pumpkin spiced coffee and tea. I am also checking off all the different pumpkin beers I can too! Sorry, I just can't help myself. Have you seen the meme that says, "At this point my blood type is pumpkin spice"? That's me!

2. The leaves are changing colors, and the air is crisp. What are you looking forward to about fall?

This is my families first "real autumn" because we have lived in Florida for the boys' entire lives. We moved here during Thanksgiving break last year and we weren't sure about whether I would have to return to Florida so we didn't get to enjoy any time out and about in Colorado during the fall season last year.

This year will be a different story! We have created a Colorado Autumn Bucket List and we have already begun checking some things off our list... and added a few! Check out these posts to see what we are planning and what we have already accomplished so far:

3. Do you decorate for the season (and which is it: fall or autumn?)

Yes! Yes! Yes! My family loves to immerse themselves into all holidays! We are preparing for All Hallow's Eve, All Saint's Day and All Soul's Day so this is our current mantel display. We will revamp it after the special feasts honoring the dead into a Thanksgiving display. 

Our patio and all windows are adorned with decorations as well! Pumpkin lights with a motion sensor on the patio. I can't wait to add some Jack O' Lanterns soon! If you haven't created your pumpkin masterpieces yet, I suggest you check out the story of the Jack O'Lantern to share with your children. I think it is a great story of purgatory and can lead to a discussion about life and death that is meaningful to you and them. It is a tradition for us to read the story of the Jack O'Lantern before we carve them and we pray while we carve them after we are done, we sprinkle some holy water on them. It's always a favorite activity during Autumn. Here's the Pumpkin Prayer we use:

Lord, open my mind so I can learn new things about you and the world you created. (Remove the top of the pumpkin.)
Remove the things in my life that don’t please you. Forgive the wrong things I do and help me to forgive others. (Pull out the seeds.)
Open my eyes to see the beauty you’ve made in the world around me. (Cut out the eyes.)
Open my ears when I hear your word, so I may learn how you want me to live.(Cut out the ears.)
I’m sorry for the times I’ve turned up my nose at people who are different from me, but who are your children, too. (Cut out the nose.)
Let everything I say please you. (Cut out the mouth.)
Lord, help me show your light to others through the things I do. (Place a light or candle inside it.)


For my family this season is "Autumn". I think its just more fun to say sometimes? I'm not really sure why we say that more than Fall. I do like to create puns with the words too. I think I have a Facebook Album and Pinterest Board with the name "Falling into Autumn"

Well that is my take on Just Enough Info this week. I would love to hear your thoughts! Feel free to use the beautiful picture below in your linkup post if you so desire!

Please Join us and Link Up with your answers to this week's questions all about Autumn/ Fall Family Fun! Here are the questions:

1. Best fall flavor: apple or pumpkin?
2. The leaves are changing colors, and the air is crisp. What are you looking forward to about fall?
3. Do you decorate for the season (and which is it: fall or autumn?)

Next week we will be discussing Pets!:
1. Did you have a favorite pet when you were younger? 
2. Do you have pets now? If so, what? 
3. Have your kids eaten dog or cat food (either at your house or someone else’s)?

Feel free to check out the last few weeks of JEI to learn about the link up rules and other fun topics we have already discussed:

The Zelie Group has some fun questions coming up in the next few weeks so make sure to follow us on Facebook and we would love to hear what you are interested in! What are you looking to learn about? Do you have questions about the Faith? Questions about the Liturgical Year? We want to help and learn and grow with you and your families!


  1. What a good idea to create a seasonal bucket list! :)

    1. Lists are so calming to me so I LOVE sitting down and writing a good list! Bucket Lists are just pure excitement for me!!!

  2. That's so fun you're enjoying fall for the first time!

    1. It has been a blast! It's neat getting to experience all the seasons :)
