
Wednesday, October 5, 2016

{JEI}: Respect Life Month

Welcome to my favorite linkup of the week called Just Enough Info with The Zelie Group. This week we are discussing the theme of October, which is Respect Life Month. In addition to this link up I would suggest you take a look at Instagram and follow the #Rosaryathon. I have so enjoyed participating in the Rosayathon this far and hope to see you join in the fun!

Time to get back to the JEI Linkup and I'd love to introduce you to the other hosts of the Just Enough Info Linkup:

Jessica (myself) – Pinot Noir and Prayers | Instagram | Facebook
Alicia – Sweeping Up Joy | Pinterest | Facebook
Kirby – Under Thy Roof | Instagram | Facebook

1. Does your family or parish mark the month in a special way?

October is Respect Life Month but it is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month, ADHD Awareness Month and Spina Bifida Awareness Month which are all important issues in our family. Cancer has taken the lives of several of my close relatives over the years and we have had some Breast Cancer scares. My youngest son is ADHD and I continue to fight for him to get the assistance he needs to cope with his overactive mind and body. I have Spina Bifida. Spina Bifida is a birth defect and cannot be "cured". I had surgery as a child to close the opening in my spine and I have been lucky to not have any complications until now. I think I will save my story dealing with this disability for another time though. 

Back to the question: We do incorporate intentions for the unborn into our family rosary but that is really the extent of anything we have done in the past. This year I plan on doing a Spiritual Adoption because I am on a new fertility journey that I hope leads us to adding a child (and more) into our family. 

As for my parish, I'm not sure yet. We haven't been registered with our parish for even a year yet so we are still learning about all the amazing things they have to offer to us and the community. We were given signs to display in our yards in protest of proposition 106. It would allow physician suicide assistance for the elderly, people with terminal illness and others who are not strong enough to fight for themselves. We should respect all life. God does not make mistakes and although our lives may require suffering, it is ours to endure and part of our story. 

2. Do you have any books or resources to recommend on the Respect Life theme?

I am sad to say that I don't have any books or resources that i could recommend. I am in the process of doing some research for another project that will hopefully help me come across some suggestions if I get asked in the future. I would also love to hear about your suggestions if you have any!

3. What do you wish others understood about the Respect Life message?

I wish that everyone understood that life is a gift. It is not meant to be bad or carry a negative connotation. Unplanned pregnancies, terminal illnesses and so many other unforeseen events that can occur in anyone's life are milestones and crossroads in your life. You can either embrace the things that scare you and face them head on or fight against God's plan for you. As Christians we are asked to embrace the uncertainty knowing that God knows what he is doing. It is when we decide to fight against his plan that things can get messy. I pray that we are all strong enough to put our faith in God and know that his plan is perfect for us and the whole world. Let his will be done.

Well that is my take on Just Enough Info this week. I would love to hear your thoughts! Feel free to use the beautiful picture below in your linkup post if you so desire!

Please Join us and Link Up with your answers to this week's questions about Respecting Life Month (October). Here are the questions:

1. Does your family or parish mark the month in a special way?
2. Do you have any books or resources to recommend on the Respect Life theme?
3. What do you wish others understood about the Respect Life message?

Next week we will be discussing Autumn/Fall Family Fun:

1. Best fall flavor: apple or pumpkin?
2. The leaves are changing colors, and the air is crisp. What are you looking forward to about fall?
3. Do you decorate for the season (and which is it: fall or autumn?)

Feel free to check out the last few weeks of JEI to learn about the link up rules and other fun topics we have already discussed:

The Zelie Group has some fun questions coming up in the next few weeks so make sure to follow us on Facebook and we would love to hear what you are interested in! What are you looking to learn about? Do you have questions about the Faith? Questions about the Liturgical Year? We want to help and learn and grow with you and your families!


  1. I'm also loving rosaryathon! Challenges really help me get out of my photo rut of cute kids or what I'm cooking today.

    I love your point about embracing uncertainty. I'm super Type A (if you haven't guessed) and uncertainty is REALLY hard for me. I feel like that's what God has been having me work on these past few years. I'm still trying to not fight him on that. :)

    1. I am loving the Rosaryathon too! It's nice to take a look at things and be in a place of thanksgiving. Everything seems so much more wonderful.

      I have a hard time with uncertainty too. I have been making big efforts over the past four years to be more present in the moment and it truly helps! God is truly amazing in his wonderous ways of teaching!
