
Monday, February 20, 2017

Menu Plan Monday: President's Day Edition

I have been unable to participate in the past few weeks of Menu Plan Mondays due to some medical issues but I am ready to get organized and back into the rhythm of things. I was told by a physician that if I lost the weight I have gained from not working out as much, may alleviate some of the pressure on my back and hopefully help with the shooting pains, tingling and numbness problems from my Spina Bifida. I am excited to get healthier and hopefully register for some upcoming races. We have been having some BEAUTIFUL weather here and abnormally warm. It has been heavenly! Well here is our Menu for Menu Plan Monday

Monday: President's Day and Blessed Francisco and Jacinta Marto
Leftover Pizza

Tuesday: Feast of Saint Peter Damian
Turkey Burgers

Wednesday: Chair of Saint Peter
Dinner at Chick-Fil-A (Cub Scout Outing)

Chicken Fried Rice

Soup and Salad

Spaghetti Squash and Meatballs

Chili and Cornbread


  1. Visiting from Menu Plan Monday. Hope you start to feel better soon. Chili sounds good for when our weather turns cold again. And lucky you, getting to have Chik-Fil-A on your menu!

    1. Thank you! Yes we were super lucky to enjoy some Chik-Fil-A! It was delicious and it's crazy how the weather has been... super warm lately and possibly snow Friday!
