
Sunday, February 19, 2017

Rocking Motherhood Challenge

Motherhood is crazy roller-coaster that is unique and amazing everyday, even with its moments of anxiety from the crazy momentum and scary turns that you never saw coming. I consider motherhood the biggest blessing to ever been given to me. I look back at my life and cringe with some of the crazy and nonsensical things I have done. Becoming a mom was the the absolute best thing that has ever happened to me. I have two beautiful little boys that know how to make the me the happiest woman on Earth but can also push me to the edge of insanity with a moments notice. Although there are times when I honestly have no clue what I am doing, I know that I am rocking motherhood in my own special little way. I have embraced the roller coaster ride and am excited to see what lies around the bend.

I was tagged by Hannah over at Lovely Little Lives to participate in the 10 Ways I'm Rocking Motherhood Challenge. Thank you Hannah for giving me the opportunity to look at motherhood through a positive perspective. You can check out her post in the link above and you can continue reading to see how I am rocking motherhood below:

I am a fighter.


Through my past ten years as a mommy I have had to battle many demons that I never imagined. I fought my way out of an abusive marriage. It took four long years but we all survived. I have fought with back pain for longer than I can remember. I fight depression and anxiety everyday. No matter what happens, I will continue to fight. My God is larger than anything that can come against me and my family and I want my children to know this from my example. I also want them to know that I am always in their corner just waiting for when they need me.

I am Patient. 

Little man is almost ten years old now, extremely intelligent and likes to act older than his age. Goalie is developmentally delayed and struggles with emotions, socializing and education. They are opposites in so many ways and sometimes it is hard to parent children that are so different. God has blessed me with a great deal of patience (most days) and I think that it helps me to be a better mom and wife. 

I cook home-made dinners almost every night. 

I really enjoy having a hot dinner ready for my family because it is one way that I like to show I care. It is also fun to make new recipes and have my boys help me cook. Creating healthy habits is important and the family time that comes with a hot dinner together doesn't get much better. There are some nights that I would rather pick up some takeout but it would create a completely different atmosphere in my home. These dinners are anticipated and loved by the entire family. 

I will NEVER allow my boys to quit. 

Dedication is an important character trait that I hope my children grasp with both hands. We discuss every extracurricular activity and sport prior to us registering or joining because there is always the understanding that we will be making a commitment that will not be broken. Cub Scouts, Soccer, Football, Boys on the Run and 100 Mile Club. These are all activities that my kids participate and they know they are expected to be a reliable team player. They will show up to practices and games and they will always be good sports, whether they win or lose. I am proud to say that they both have received awards for being a "Christ-like" player.

I am crafty. 

I have thrown together turkey shifts and ugly sweaters. I have crafted saint costumes from curtains, pillow cases and eyeliner. I am proud to say that last minute projects are one of those things I happen to excel.Taking the time and effort to make crafts and personalized items makes my boys feel special and I love to do it. I enjoy doing arts and crafts with the boys, in fact, we have coloring nights all the time! We pick out a movie, make some snacks and pull out all the crayons, colored pencils, markers and paper. We push play and it's a coloring-fest for the next few hours.

I am organized, at least I try to be organized. 

I utilize a planner, Cozi and bullet journal. With all the craziness that life throws at us schedule wise, I make it happen. Everyone knows the plan for the day each day and upcoming plans for the week. 

I am teaching them to be good Catholics.

This is the most important thing that I can do for my children. Dressing them in their Sunday Best every Sunday for Mass, teaching them the Commandments, Beatitudes, Acts of Mercy and following the Golden Rule. These are things that I am teaching them in their everyday life through examples and correcting them when they stray off the path of righteousness. 

I am a volunteer.

I volunteer to help at school functions, at our church, Cub Scouts and the kids' extracurricular activities. I want my children to have me by their sides and able to be a full participant in their achievements. This can sometimes be difficult since I work but I try my best and offer up the difficult times up to God.

Tag- You're it!

I am challenging these bloggers to join me in the #RockingMotherhood Challenge! Check them out!

Alicia from Sweeping Up Joy

Ginny from Not So Formulaic

Allison from Reconciled to You


  1. Great post! I love that you dress your kids up for Sunday and that you have family dinners. Those are things I try to do too :) Prayers for you too, sounds like you have had a lot to deal with. Keep rocking it ;)

    1. Thank you so much for this super fun challenge! I think all moms are amazing. We may do things differently, but we always do it with love!

  2. Totally hope to complete this challenge before I leave for the WINE conference in MN - if not ... when I get back for sure #LoveThis

    1. Awesome! So glad you will join! I really enjoyed this challenge!

  3. Love this challenge! It's so easy to focus on all the things we maybe aren't so much rocking. And to remember that the stuff I've been doing day in and day our for a lot of years (like making all our dinners, I do that too!) do matter. Thanks!

    1. Yes! I love this challenge too! It's so easy to get stuck in the negative and to overlook our everyday blessings. This is definitely a great way to refocus us all!

  4. I finally had a chance to think through my list. Here's the link:

  5. Holy cow!! Umm - I need to work on writing this... I remember reading this, and thought I'd commented, but apparently not! 😳🤔

    It dovetails nicely with another piece, so I am so sorry!! I accept the challenge - I guess next week is all about self-affirmation for my blog! 😂

    1. No worries! Obviously I am super behind on my stuff too... so sorry for the late response!

  6. I love this! Home-cooked dinners are the best - especially when they're the norm. :)

    1. Thank you! Sorry about the delay in response! You should join the #RockingMotherhood Challenge too :)
