Oh my goodness! How time flies.... I feel like the school year just began and Little Man was getting ready for preschool. It was so adorable how super excited he was about his Spider Man backpack and lunch box. Looking back at the pictures I took on the first day of school make me a little teary-eyed. He looks so grown up, its hard to believe it was taken almost 10 months ago.

Now his first school year is officially done and I am a proud mom for sure! It was the most amazing school year and I know that Little Man is very sad that school is out for summer break. I can't say I blame him! He had the most amazing teachers ever! God has truly blessed Mrs. Evans and Mrs. Monica with an incredible ability to touch children's hearts and minds. I am so thankful that my son was able to be taught by these amazing women because I know he is set for success. Little Man wants to practice his letters, counting and asks me tons of intelligent questions all the time now. He is so interested in his surroundings and loves to experiment (thanks to the hands-on-learning techniques of his teachers). I am sad that Little Man will not be attending the same school next year since we will be in another state, but I pray that his kindergarten teacher is half as good as his K4 teachers!
Little Man received 2 new books as an end of year gift from his teachers too: It's Hard to be Five and If You Give A Cat A Cupcake. Both of these books are amazing. Little Man has had me read them several times since he received them. I think what makes these most special for Little Man is that they are signed with a little note of encouragement for the upcoming school year from his teachers.
I am ready for an exciting summer with my family and to start our new chapter in South Carolina!
Summer Vacation has officially commenced!
Prayer for Teachers
God Almighty, Your Wisdom includes
An understanding of what is fair,
What is logical, what is true,
What is right and what is lasting.
It mirrors Your pure intellect!
I entreat You to grant me such Wisdom,
That my labours may reflect Your insight.
Your Wisdom expands in Your creations,
Displaying complexity and multiplicity.
Your Wisdom is an eternity ahead of man.
May Your wisdom flourish forever!
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