Here is another better late than never post I started and forgot about. It's been so much easier updating my blog from a regular computer versus my phone... I know the new school and religious education years are about to start but oh well!
Little Man and the rest of the family have been attending several different churches over the past year while we have been trying to figure out our new living situation. Well around February/March we finally moved into a beautiful new home and are becoming more active members (aka registered!) in the Catholic Church nearby. I was ecstatic to find that they offered Religious Education classes for Little Man's age group. He was only able to attend for a couple months but he absolutely loved his class and his teacher! He was lucky enough to have a beautiful Graduation ceremony to celebrate his achievement! I can not wait until next year's class... Little Man will be preparing for his First Reconciliation.
I am hoping that there may be a Blue Knights Group started here soon to open more educational opportunities about our faith. Squishy gets super excited when he sees his big brother getting awards and participating in events. I am truly blessed to have two sweet loving children. They are so affectionate to everyone but especially to each other. I love the "hurry up and take my picture mom" smiles I received! These boys have blessed my life in so many ways. I love being their mommy!

Now its time to get ready for the new chapter of religious education and Little Man starting 1st grade! Squishy still has some time before starting formal classes but I think he is learning a lot from me and his brother at home.
In addition to school we also registered Little Man for his first season of football... I am a little nervous but I hope he enjoys it. There are also some exciting new changes coming our way! Keep a look out for updates soon to come! God Bless!
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