Squishy is almost 20 months old and has never had a haircut. I am sure you can tell by the crazy curly long locks that surround his face in all of the pictures I have posted of him. Well today was the day we cut off all those long curls! I was able to snap a few shots of my sweet baby sitting in the hair dresser's chair. I was so nervous Squishy was going to be very angry and cry that we were having him "sit still". He only had a few seconds of unhappiness, then he saw his reflection. I guess he decided sitting still wasn't so bad as long as he could stare at himself. I am so glad he didn't seem to mind the process after that except the fact that his hair would fall into his face ever so often. After a few strands would hit his nose he would try to take off his smock.

After a few minutes Squishy felt confident enough to pose for a picture. Look at my sweet boy giving me a slight smile. I think he was wondering if the promise for a lolly would be fulfilled. Thank goodness the nice hairdresser was patient with the me even though she was dealing with me taking pictures of my squirmy child while she is taming his crazy hair.
And as promised... a sugary treat as reward for being as well-behaved as possible for the First Haircut experience. He chose a watermelon flavored lolly :o)

This was not Little Man's First Haircut obviously but it is adorable to watch him get his haircut. I feel bad because it has been a long time since his last haircut and he has been asking to get it cut for at least a month. As you can see from the pictures...He is so serious and watches the hairdresser the entire time. He will even ask for his hair to be "just a little shorter please, I look really handsome with short hair. My mommy says so!"
Squishy has a great example for a Big Brother and I couldn't be more proud of my two handsome young men.
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